Luke 1
- 1 Son wheesh as dy vel ymmodee er ghoaill ayns laue dy chur coontey cairagh jeh ny reddyn ta dy firrinagh er nyn gredjal nyn mast'ain.
- 2 Eer myr hoilshee ad dooinyn ad, va er-dyn toshiaght nyn veanishyn sooilley as nyn shirveishee jeh'n ghoo.
- 3 Ta mish myrgeddin er vakin eh mie, myr ta slane toiggal aym jeh dy chooilley nhee er-dyn eer toshiaght, dy scrieu hoods ayns order, Theophilus smoo ooasle,
- 4 Dy vod tushtey share y ve ayd jeh firrinys ny reddyn shen, t'ou er ny ve ynsit ayndoo.
- 5 Rish lhing Heron ree Yudea, va saggyrt dy row enmyssit Zacharias, jeh coorse Abia; as va'n ven echey jeh inneenyn Aaron, as yn ennym eck Elizabeth.
- 6 As v'ad ny-neesht cairagh kiongoyrt rish Jee, gimmeeaght ayns ooilley annaghyn as oardaghyn y Chiarn gyn loght.
- 7 As cha row sluight oc, er-yn-oyr dy row Elizabeth gennish, as v'ad ny-neesht er roie dy mie ayns eash.
- 8 As haink eh gy-kione, choud as v'eh cooilleeney oik y taggyrt kiongoyrt rish Jee, myr va e choorse er jeet magh,
- 9 Cordail rish cliaghtey oik y taggyrt, dy haghyr eh dy ve yn currym echey dy lostey oural-millish, tra v'eh goll stiagh ayns chiamble y Chiarn.
- 10 As va'n slane chaglym jeh'n pobble cheu-mooie ec padjer rish traa yn oural-millish.
- 11 As haink ainle y Chiarn, as hass eh er cheu yesh altar yn oural-millish.
- 12 As tra honnick Zacharias eh, v'eh seaghnit, as huitt aggle er.
- 13 Agh dooyrt yn ainle rish, Ny gow aggle Zacharias: son ta dty phadjer er ny chlashtyn, as nee yn ven ayd Elizabeth mac y ymmyrkey dhyt, as nee oo genmys eh Ean.
- 14 As bee boggey as gerjagh ayd, as nee ymmodee boggey y ghoaill tra hig eh er y theihll.
- 15 Son bee eh ooasle ayns shilley yn Chiarn, as cha n'iu eh feeyn ny jough lajer, as bee eh er ny lhieeney lesh y Spyrryd Noo, veih eer brein e vayrey.
- 16 As ymmodee jeh cloan Israel nee eh y hyndaa gys y Chiarn y Jee oc.
- 17 As hed eh roishyn ayns spyrryd as pooar Elias, dy hyndaa creeaghyn ny ayragh yn gys y chloan, as ny mee-viallee gys creenaght yn vooinjer chairal, dy yannoo aarloo pobble kiarit son y Chiarn.
- 18 As dooyrt Zacharias rish yn ainle, Cre liorish vees fys aym's er shoh son ta mee shenn, as ta'n ven er roie dy mie ayns eash.
- 19 As dreggyr yn aile as dooyrt e rish, Mish Gabriel ta shirveish fenish Yee: as ta mee-er my choyrt dy loayrt rhyt, as dy hoilshaghey dhyt ny naightyn mie shoh.
- 20 As cur-my-ner bee oo balloo, as cha jig dty ghlare lhiat, derrey yn laa vees ny reddyn shoh cooilleenit, er-y-fa nagh vel oo er chredjal my ghoan's vees er nyn gooilleeney ayns nyn imbagh cooie.
- 21 As va'n pobble fieau son Zacharias, as yindys orroo dy row eh cumrail choud ayns y chiamble.
- 22 As tra haink eh magh, cha voddagh eh loayrt roo; as hoig ad dy row eh er vakin ashlish ayns y chiamble: son v'eh jannoo signyn daue, as hannee eh balloo.
- 23 As shen myr ve, tra v'eh er chooilleeney laghyn e hirveish, dy jimmee eh gys e hie hene.
- 24 As lurg ny laghyn shen ren e ven Elizabeth giennaghtyn, as dollee ee ee-hene queig meeghyn, gra,
- 25 Shoh myr ta'n Chiarn er n'yannoo er my hon tra yeeagh eh orrym, dy ghoaill ersooyl my oltooan mastey deiney.
- 26 As ayns y cheyoo vee, va'n ainle Gabriel er ny choyrt veih Jee, gys ard-valley dy Ghalilee, va enmyssit Nazareth,
- 27 Gys moidyn nasht rish dooinney enmyssit Joseph, jeh thie Ghavid; as va ennym y voidyn Moirrey.
- 28 As haink yn ainle stiagh as dooyrt eh r'ee, Dy vannee dhyt's ta ayns ard-foayr ta'n Chiarn mayrt; bannit t'ou uss mastey mraane.
- 29 As tra honnick ee eh, v'ee seaghnit ec y raa echey, as smooinee ee r'ee hene cre'n monney dy vannaghey va shoh.
- 30 As dooyrt yn ainle r'ee, Ny bee aggle ort, O Voirrey; son t'ou er gheddyn foayr veih Jee.
- 31 As cur-my-ner, nee oo giennaghtyn, as mac y ymmyrkey, as enmyssee oo yn ennym echey Yeesey.
- 32 Bee eshyn cronnal, as enmyssit Mac yn Er-syrjey; as ver y Chiarn Jee dasyn stoyl-reeoil e ayr David.
- 33 As nee eh reill harrish thie Yacob gys earishyn foddey beayn, as er e reeriaght cha bee jerrey erbee.
- 34 Eisht dooyrt Moirrey rish yn ainle, Kys oddys shoh y ve, fakin nagh nione dou dooinney?
- 35 As dreggyr yn ainle as dooyrt eh r'ee, Hig yn Spyrryd Noo neose ort, as bee pooar yn Er-syrjey er ny skeayley harryd: shen-y-fa bee yn sluight chasherick shen ver oo son y theihll, enmyssit Mac Yee.
- 36 As cur-my-ner, dty ven-vooinjerey Elizabeth, t'eeish myrgeddin er ghiennaght yn mac ayns ny shenn laghyn eck: as shoh yn cheyoo vee jeeish va raait dy ve gennish.
- 37 Son da Jee cha bee nhee erbee neu-phossible.
- 38 As dooyrt Moirrey, Cur-my-ner sharvaant y Chiarn, dy jig eh lhiam cordail rish dty ghoo. As jimmee yn ainle voee.
- 39 As mysh ny laghyn shen hrog Moirrey urree lesh siyr dy gholl gys cheer ny liargagh, gys ard-valley dy Yudah,
- 40 As hie ee stiagh ayns thie Zacharias as vannee ee da Elizabeth.
- 41 As haink eh gy-kione, tra cheayll Elizabeth bannaghey Moirrey, dy lheim yn oikan ayns e brein, as va Elizabeth lhieent lesh y Spyrryd Noo.
- 42 As loayr ee lesh ard-choraa as dooyrt ee, Bannit t'ou uss mastey mraane, as bannit ta sluight dty vreïn.
- 43 As kys ta'n (ooashley) aym, dy vel moir my Hiarn er jeet dy my yeeaghyn?
- 44 Son cur-my-ner, cha leah as ren coraa dty vannaghey bingys ayns my chleayshyn, lheim yn oikan ayns my vrein son boggey.
- 45 As bannit t'eeish ta er chredjal: son bee slane cooilleeney ny reddyn shen v'er ny hoilshaghey jee liorish y Chiarn.
- 46 As dooyrt Moirrey, Ta m'annym cur ard-voylley da'n Chiarn.
- 47 As ta my spyrryd er ghoaill boggey ayns Jee my Haualtagh.
- 48 Son t'eh er chur tastey da stayd injil e harvaant: son cur-my-ner, maghey shoh nee dy chooilley heeloghe mish y enmys bannit.
- 49 Son s'mooar ta'n Ooilley-niartal er n'yannoo er my hon, as s'casherick ta e ennym.
- 50 As ta e vyghin orroosyn ta goaill aggle roish, veih sheeloghe gys sheeloghe.
- 51 T'eh er hoilshaghey niart lesh e roih t'eh er skeayley ny moyrnee ayns mooaralys nyn greeaghyn.
- 52 T'eh er lhieggal sheese ny treanee veih nyn stuill-reeoil, as er hoiaghey seose ny imlee.
- 53 T'eh er lhieeney ny accryssee lesh reddyn mie, as ny berchee t'eh er chur follym ersooyl.
- 54 T'eh er chooney lesh e harvaant Israel ayns cooinaghtyn jeh e vyghin.
- 55 (Myr loayr eh rish nyn shenn-ayryn, rish Abraham as e luight) er son dy bragh.
- 56 As duirree Moirrey mâree mysh three meeghyn, as haink ee reesht gys e thie hene.
- 57 Nish va slane traa Elizabeth er jeet dy ve livreit, as hug ee mac son y theihll.
- 58 As cheayll ny naboonyn as y sleih mooinjerey eck, kys va'n Chiarn er hoilshaghey ard-vyghin jee; as ghow ad boggey mâree.
- 59 As haink eh gy-kione er yn hoghtoo laa dy daink ad dy ghiarey-chymmylt yn lhiannoo; as denmys ad eh Zacharias, lurg ennym e ayrey.
- 60 As dreggyr e voir, as dooyrt ee, Cha nee; agh bee eh enmyssit Ean.
- 61 As dooyrt ad r'ee, Cha vel veg jeh dty chynney jeh'n ennym shen.
- 62 As ren ad signyn gys e ayr, cre'n ennym bailIishyn y ve er.
- 63 As hir eh boayrd-screeuee, as scrieu eh, gra, Ta'n ennym echey Ean. As ghow ad ooilley yindys.
- 64 As er-y-chooyl va e veeal er ny osley, as e hengey er ny eaysley, as loayr eh, as hug eh moylley da Jee.
- 65 As huitt aggle (arrymagh) er ooilley nyn naboonyn: as hie goo jeh ooilley ny reddyn shoh magh trooid ooilley cheer sleitagh Yudea.
- 66 As adsyn ooilley cheayll shoh, hasht ad ayns nyn greeaghyn ad, gra, Cren monney dy ghooinney vees eh shoh? as va laue yn Chiarn mârish.
- 67 As va'n ayr echey Zacharias lhieent lesh y Spyrryd Noo, as ren eh phadeyrys, gra,
- 68 Bannit dy row yn Chiarn Jee Israel, son t'eh er yeeaghyn er, as er livrey e phobble,
- 69 As t'eh er hroggal seose saualtys niartal er nyn son, ayns thie e harvaant David;
- 70 Myr loayr eh liorish beeal e adeyryn crauee, t'er ny ve er-dy hoshiaght y theihll;
- 71 Dy hauail shin veih nyn noidyn, as veih'n lane ocsyn ooilley ta dwoaie oc orrin.
- 72 Dy chooilleeney yn vyghin va giallit da ny ayraghyn ain, as dy chooinaghtyn er e chonaant casherick:
- 73 Eer yn breearrey ren eh gys yn ayr ain Abraham,
- 74 Dy giallagh eh dooinyn, dy beagh shin er nyn livrey veih laueyn nyn noidyn, as shirveish eh fegooish aggle.
- 75 Ayns craueeaght as cairys kiongoyrt rish, ooilley laghyn nyn mea.
- 76 As bee uss lhiannoo enmyssit phadeyr yn Er-syrjey; son hed oo roish eddin y Chiarn, dy yannoo aarloo e raaidyn;
- 77 Dy chur tushtey dy haualtys da e phobble, liorish leih nyn beccaghyn,
- 78 Trooid myghin meiygh yn Jee ain; liorish ta irree-ny-greiney veih yn yrjid er hoilshean orrin
- 79 Dy chur soilshey dauesyn ta nyn soie ayns dorraghys as ayns scadoo yn vaaish, dy leeideil ny cassyn ain ayns raad y chee.
- 80 As daase y lhiannoo, as v'eh er ny niartaghey 'sy spyrryd, as v'eh ayns ny faasaghyn, derrey'n laa v'eh er ny hoilshaghey da Israel.
King James Version (kjv)
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American King James Version (akjv) American Standard Version (asv) Basic English Bible (basicenglish) Douay Rheims (douayrheims) John Wycliffe Bible (c.1395) (wycliffe) King James Version (kjv) King James Version (1769) with Strongs Numbers and Morphology and CatchWords, including Apocrypha (without glosses) (kjva) Webster's Bible (wb) Weymouth NT (weymouth) William Tyndale Bible (1525/1530) (tyndale) World English Bible (web) Young's Literal Translation (ylt)
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Manx Gaelic (Esther Jonah 4 Gospels) (manxgaelic - 1.1)
2003-05-08Manx Gaelic (gv)
Gaelic Scripture Portions (Manx Gaelic)
The Manx Gaelic Scripture portions were found at: http://www.smo.uhi.ac.uk/~kelly/menu.html#BIB.
They include Esther, Jonah, Matthew, Luke, and John. This looks like it has been scanned in, so there are probably a few spelling errors. Manx was spoken on the Isle of Man in Great Britain. The Ethnologue lists Manx as having no native speakers.
Courtesy the Unbound Bible (http://unbound.biola.edu/)- Direction: LTR
- LCSH: Bible. Manx Gaelic.
- Distribution Abbreviation: manxgaelic
Public Domain
Source ()
- history_1.1
- compressed module
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