Acts 15
- 1 Ria ba hangkuja dua to Yahudi ngkai Yudea to mepangala' -mi hi Pue' Yesus, hilou hi ngata Antiokhia. To Yahudi toera mpotudui' topetuku' Yesus hi Antiokhia, ra'uli' -raka: "Ane uma-koi ratini' ntuku' ada to hi rala Atura Musa, bate uma-koi mpai' tebahaka ngkai huku' jeko' -ni!"
- 2 Uma mowo pe'ewa-ra Paulus pai' Barnabas mpobaro tudui' -ra toe. Ka'omea-na, to Kristen to hi Antiokhia mpo'uli': "Agina tasuro ba hangkuja dua doo-ta hilou hi Yerusalem, mpobua' kara-kara toe hi suro Pue' Yesus pai' totu'a ntani' -na." To rasuro hilou toe, hira' Paulus, Barnabas, pai' ba hangkuja dua to ntani' -na.
- 3 Jadi', to Kristen to hi Antiokhia mpobawa-ra rata hi mali ngata. Ngkai ree, mako' -ramo hilou mpotoa' Yerusalem. Hi pomakoa' -ra tohe'e, mpotara tana' Fenisia pai' Samaria, pai' halengko ohea ratutura beiwa tauna to bela-ra to Yahudi medea ngkai jeko' -ra pai' mepangala' hi Pue' Yesus. Kareba tohe'e mpakagoe' nono-ra hawe'ea ompi' hampepangalaa'.
- 4 Rata mpu'u-ramo hi Yerusalem, to Kristen hi ria hante suro Pue' Yesus pai' totu'a ntani' -na mpotarima lompe' -ra. Ngkai ree, Paulus pai' Barnabas mpotutura-raka hawe'ea to nababehi Alata'ala hi pomakoa' -ra wengi mpokeni Kareba Lompe' hi tauna to bela-ra to Yahudi.
- 5 Aga ria wo'o ba hangkuja dua to Parisi to mepangala' -mi hi Pue' Yesus. Pokore-rami to Parisi toera, ra'uli': "Tauna to bela-ra to Yahudi tetura, uma hono' ane mepangala' -ra hi Yesus-wadi. Kana ratini' wo'o-ra pai' rahubui mpotuku' Atura Musa."
- 6 Toe pai' morumpu-ramo suro Pue' Yesus pai' totu'a ntani' -na, mpohurai kara-kara toe.
- 7 Mahae lia-ra momewai' ngkalolita. Ngkai ree, Petrus mokore pai' na'uli': "Ompi' -ompi', ni'inca moto ba hangkuja mpae to liu, aku' napelihi Alata'ala ngkai laintongo' -ta, nahubui-a mpokeni Kareba Lompe' hi tauna to bela kita' to Yahudi. Ra'epe mpu'u-mi Kareba Lompe', pai' mepangala' -ramo hi Yesus.
- 8 Pai' Alata'ala to mpotiroi nono manusia', mpotarima tauna to bela-ra to Yahudi toera. Ta'inca kanatarima-ra, apa' nawai' -ra Inoha' Tomoroli', hibalia hewa to nawai' -taka kita' toi-e.
- 9 Kita' to Yahudi pai' hira' to bela-ra to Yahudi, uma napoposisala. Napakaroli' nono-ra apa' mepangala' -ramo hi Yesus.
- 10 Jadi' ompi' -ompi', napa-di pai' doko' ta'ewa patuju-na Alata'ala-e? Napa pai' doko' tapopokoloi-raka tauna to bela-ra to Yahudi parenta pai' palia to motomo lia? Bangku' ntu'a-ta-hawoe, duu' rata hi kita' toi-e lau, uma takulei' mpotuku' hawe'ea parenta pai' palia tetu-e!
- 11 Uma-ta tebahaka ngkai huku' jeko' -ta hi kampotuku' -ta parenta pai' palia hewa tetu. Taparasaya kamporata-ta kalompea' muntu' ngkai kabula rala-na Pue' Yesus-wadi. Wae wo'o-rawo hira'."
- 12 Kahudu-na Petrus mololita, hawe'ea tauna to morumpu toera, mengkalino-ra-wadi mokanono. Oti toe, rape'epei wo'o-pi lolita-ra Barnabas pai' Paulus, mpololita tanda mekoncehi pai' anu mobaraka' to rababehi hante kuasa Alata'ala bula-ra mpokeni Kareba Lompe' hi tauna to bela-ra to Yahudi.
- 13 Hudu lolita-ra Barnabas pai' Paulus, na'uli' -mi Yakobus: "Ompi' -ompi', pe'epei-ka-kuwo lolita-ku.
- 14 Ta'epe-mi we'i lolita-na Simon, mpo'uli' -taka beiwa lomo' -na Alata'ala mpopohiloi ahi' -na hi tauna to bela-ra to Yahudi, napelihi ngkai laintongo' -ra tauna to napajadi' ntodea-na.
- 15 Toe hibalia hante lolita-ra nabi owi, apa' ria nabi owi to mpolowa kanakio' -ra Alata'ala tauna to bela-ra to Yahudi jadi' ntodea-na. Moni-na hewa toi:
- 17 Na'uli' Pue' Ala: `Oti mpai' toe, nculii' moto-a tumai mpokinomo-ra muli to Yahudi to naparentai Daud owi. Kupoka'ahi' -ra pai' kuwangu nculii' kamagaua' -na Daud. Ngkai ree mpai', tau ntani' -na wo'o mpopali' -a. Hawe'ea tauna to bela-ra to Yahudi, to kukio' jadi' ntodea-ku, bate tumai-ra hi Aku'.'
- 18 Wae-mi ponguli' Pue' to mpakanoto patuju-na ngkai owi."
- 19 Napokaliliu Yakobus lolita-na, na'uli': "Jadi' ompi' -ompi', toi-mi lolita-ku. Neo' -ta-hawo mpakasusa' -ra to bela-ra to Yahudi to mengkoru-mi hi Alata'ala. Neo' tapewuku-ra mpotuku' Atura Musa.
- 20 Sampale-wadi, agina ta'uki' sura, taperapi' bona neo' -ra mpokoni' pongkoni' to rapopepue' hi pinotau, neo' ngkoni' raa' pai' neo' ngkoni' bau' to uma ralali ncala' raa' -na. Pai' ta'uli' wo'o-raka bona neo' -ra mogau' sala' hante toronaa ba hante tobine doo.
- 21 Taperapi' bona ratuku' hawa' -hawa' toe, bona hintuwu' -ra hante to Yahudi. Apa' ngkai owi, to Yahudi hiapa-apa mpobasa Buku Atura Musa butu Eo Sabat hi tomi posampayaa. Pai' hawa' -hawa' toe raparata-raka hi butu ngata po'ohaa' -ra."
- 22 Kahudu-na pololita Yakobus toe, suro-suro Pue' Yesus pai' totu'a ntani' -na hante hawe'ea topepangala' hi Pue' Yesus to morumpu toera mpokahibaliai kabotu' -ra, ra'uli': "Agina tapelihi ba hangkuja dua doo-ta, tasuro-ra hilou hi Antiokhia dohe Paulus pai' Barnabas, mpokeni kabotu' lolita-ta." Jadi', rapelihi mpu'u-mi rodua tauna. Hanga' -na to hadua, Silas. Pai' hanga' -na to hadua, Yudas, to rahanga' wo'o Barsabas. To rodua toera, tauna to rabila' hawe'ea ompi' hampepangalaa'.
- 23 Oti toe, suro Pue' Yesus mpo'uki' kabotu' lolita-ra hi rala sura, pai' ratonu hi Silas pai' Yudas bona rakeni hilou hi Antiokhia. Moni-na hewa toi: "Kai' suro Pue' Yesus pai' totu'a to Kristen to hi rehe'i to nipo'ompi' hi rala Pue' Yesus, mpopakatu sura toi hi ompi' -ompi' to bela-koi to Yahudi to hi ngata Antiokhia, hi tana' Siria pai' Kilikia. Wori' tabe!
- 24 "Ria ki'epe ba hangkuja dua-ra ngkai kai' hi rehe'i tilou mpaka'ingu' -koi pai' mpolengo pepangala' -ni hante tudui' -ra. Jadi', bona ni'inca: bela-kaiwo kai' to mposuro-ra.
- 27 Toe pai' mohawa' -makai hi rehe'i hante hanono lau, mpopelihi rodua doo-kai to kihubui tilou. To kihubui tilou, ompi' -ta Yudas pai' Silas. Hira' to rodua toera-damo mpai' to mpo'uli' -kokoi hante wiwi-ra moto napa to ki'uki' hi rala sura toi. Yudas pai' Silas toe, kihubui tilou hidohea hante Barnabas pai' Paulus to kipoka'ahi'. Barnabas pai' Paulus tohe'ira, tauna to mpotonu-mi katuwu' -ra hi Pue' -ta, Yesus Kristus, bona mpopalele hanga' -na.
- 28 "Ompi' -ompi', toi-mi kabotu' to kirata ntuku' konoa Inoha' Tomoroli', pai' to kipokono wo'o-kaiwo, kai' pangkeni-ni, bona neo' -koi rapakasusa' hante wori' nyala parenta. Uma-koi rapewuku mpotuku' Atura Musa. Toi-wadi to paraluu ki'uli' -kokoi:
- 29 Kiperapi' bona neo' -koi mpokoni' pongkoni' to rapopepue' hi pinotau. Neo' ngkoni' raa', pai' neo' ngkoni' bau' to uma ralali ncala' raa' -na. Pai' neo' mogau' sala' hante toronaa ba hante tobine doo. Ane nipokalaa-damo katuwu' -ni ngkai hawe'ea toe, hono' -mi. Hudu rei-mi ulu lolita-kai."
- 30 Ka'oti-ra mositabe, me'ongko' mpu'u-ramo to rasuro toera hante Paulus pai' Barnabas hilou hi ngata Antiokhia. Karata-ra hi Antiokhia toe, rarumpu-ramo hawe'ea topepangala' hi Pue' Yesus pai' ratonu-miraka sura to rakeni ngkai Yerusalem.
- 31 Karabasa-na hi ntodea sura toe, goe' -ramo omea, apa' ihi' -na mpotanta'u nono-ra.
- 32 Oti toe, Yudas pai' Silas mololita moloe wo'o-ra-rawo, mporohoi nono ompi' hampepangalaa' -ra pai' mparesai' -ra bona tida-ra mepangala' hi Pue', apa' hira' roduaa nabi to mpoparata Lolita Pue' Ala.
- 33 Ba hangkuja mengi-ramo tida hi Antiokhia, pai' oti toe rapope'ongko' -ramo nculii' hilou hi Yerusalem. Ra'uli' to Antiokhia toera, mpo'uli' -raka Silas pai' Yudas: "Pelompehi hi ohea. Parata-kaka-kaiwo tabe-kai hi suro Pue' Yesus to mpohubui-koi tumai." ((
- 34 Aga Silas-hana, na'uli': "Ko'ia-a ulu nculii' hilou hi Yerusalem. Hi rehe'i-a ulu hi Antiokhia."))
- 35 Ane Paulus pai' Barnabas, mahae hala' -ra-rana hi Antiokhia, mpotudui' tauna pai' mpoparata Lolita Pue', hante wori' tau ntani' -na.
- 36 Ngkai ree, na'uli' Paulus hi Barnabas: "Nculii' -tamo hilou mpencuai' ompi' -ompi' hampepangalaa' -ta hi butu-butu ngata to tatara-mi wengi mpokeni Lolita Pue', bona tahilo kababeiwa-na pepangala' -ra."
- 37 Barnabas doko' ngkeni Yohanes Markus hi pomakoa' -ra toe,
- 38 tapi' Paulus mpo'uli': "Neo', apa' napalahii-ta wengi hi tana' Pamfilia, ko'ia hudu bago-ta."
- 39 Ngkai ree, momehono' -ramo Paulus pai' Barnabas, alaa-na mogaa' -ramo. Barnabas mpo'ala' Markus napodohe, pai' -ra mpohawi' kapal hilou hi tana' Siprus.
- 40 Paulus mpelihi Silas napo'ema', pai' -ra me'ongko' -rawo. Pai' ompi' -ompi' hampepangalaa' -ra hi ngata Antiokhia mpope'ongko' -ra hante mosampaya, bona Alata'ala mpewili' -ra hante kabula rala-na hi pomakoa' -ra.
- 41 Paulus pai' Silas mpodaoi' tana' Siria pai' Kilikia, mporohoi nono-ra topepangala' hi Pue' Yesus to hi ria.
King James Version (kjv)
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Uma NT (uma - 1.2)
2006-10-25Uma (ppk)
The New Testament in Uma
Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Copyright (c) 1996
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Released for non-profit scholarly and personal use.
Not to be sold for profit.- Direction: LTR
- LCSH: Bible. Uma.
- Distribution Abbreviation: uma
Copyrighted; Free non-commercial distribution
Source (GBF)
- history_1.2
- Changed Lang in conf
- history_1.1
- Compressed the module
- history_1.0
- Initial release
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