Luke 8
- 1 ܘܗܘܐ ܡܢ ܒܬܪ ܗܠܝܢ ܡܬܟܪܟ ܗܘܐ ܝܫܘܥ ܒܡܕܝܢܬܐ ܘܒܩܘܪܝܐ ܘܡܟܪܙ ܗܘܐ ܘܡܤܒܪ ܡܠܟܘܬܐ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܘܬܪܥܤܪܬܗ ܥܡܗ ܀
- 2 ܘܢܫܐ ܗܠܝܢ ܕܐܬܐܤܝ ܡܢ ܟܘܪܗܢܐ ܘܡܢ ܪܘܚܐ ܒܝܫܬܐ ܡܪܝܡ ܕܡܬܩܪܝܐ ܡܓܕܠܝܬܐ ܗܝ ܕܫܒܥܐ ܫܐܕܝܢ ܢܦܩܘ ܡܢܗ ܀
- 3 ܘܝܘܚܢ ܐܢܬܬ ܟܘܙܐ ܪܒܝܬܗ ܕܗܪܘܕܤ ܘܫܘܫܢ ܘܐܚܪܢܝܬܐ ܤܓܝܐܬܐ ܐܝܠܝܢ ܕܡܫܡܫܢ ܗܘܝ ܠܗܘܢ ܡܢ ܩܢܝܢܝܗܝܢ ܀
- 4 ܘܟܕ ܟܢܫܐ ܤܓܝܐܐ ܟܢܫ ܗܘܐ ܘܡܢ ܟܠ ܡܕܝܢܢ ܐܬܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܠܘܬܗ ܐܡܪ ܒܡܬܠܐ ܀
- 5 ܢܦܩ ܙܪܘܥܐ ܠܡܙܪܥ ܙܪܥܗ ܘܟܕ ܙܪܥ ܐܝܬ ܕܢܦܠ ܥܠ ܝܕ ܐܘܪܚܐ ܘܐܬܕܝܫ ܘܐܟܠܬܗ ܦܪܚܬܐ ܀
- 6 ܘܐܚܪܢܐ ܢܦܠ ܥܠ ܫܘܥܐ ܘܒܪ ܫܥܬܗ ܝܥܐ ܘܕܠܝܬ ܗܘܐ ܠܗ ܬܠܝܠܘܬܐ ܝܒܫ ܀
- 7 ܘܐܚܪܢܐ ܢܦܠ ܒܝܬ ܟܘܒܐ ܘܝܥܘ ܥܡܗ ܟܘܒܐ ܘܚܢܩܘܗܝ ܀
- 8 ܘܐܚܪܢܐ ܢܦܠ ܒܐܪܥܐ ܛܒܬܐ ܘܫܦܝܪܬܐ ܘܝܥܐ ܘܥܒܕ ܦܐܪܐ ܚܕ ܒܡܐܐ ܗܠܝܢ ܟܕ ܐܡܪ ܩܥܐ ܗܘܐ ܕܡܢ ܕܐܝܬ ܠܗ ܐܕܢܐ ܕܢܫܡܥ ܢܫܡܥ ܀
- 9 ܘܫܐܠܘܗܝ ܬܠܡܝܕܘܗܝ ܕܡܢܘ ܡܬܠܐ ܗܢܐ ܀
- 10 ܗܘ ܕܝܢ ܐܡܪ ܠܗܘܢ ܠܟܘܢ ܗܘ ܝܗܝܒ ܠܡܕܥ ܐܪܙܐ ܕܡܠܟܘܬܗ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܠܗܢܘܢ ܕܝܢ ܫܪܟܐ ܒܦܠܐܬܐ ܡܬܐܡܪ ܕܟܕ ܚܙܝܢ ܠܐ ܢܚܙܘܢ ܘܟܕ ܫܡܥܝܢ ܠܐ ܢܤܬܟܠܘܢ ܀
- 11 ܗܢܘ ܕܝܢ ܡܬܠܐ ܙܪܥܐ ܐܝܬܘܗܝ ܡܠܬܐ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܀
- 12 ܗܢܘܢ ܕܝܢ ܕܥܠ ܝܕ ܐܘܪܚܐ ܐܝܬܝܗܘܢ ܗܢܘܢ ܕܫܡܥܝܢ ܡܠܬܐ ܘܐܬܐ ܒܥܠܕܒܒܐ ܫܩܠ ܡܠܬܐ ܡܢ ܠܒܗܘܢ ܕܠܐ ܢܗܝܡܢܘܢ ܘܢܚܘܢ ܀
- 13 ܗܠܝܢ ܕܝܢ ܕܥܠ ܫܘܥܐ ܗܠܝܢ ܐܢܘܢ ܕܡܐ ܕܫܡܥܘ ܒܚܕܘܬܐ ܡܩܒܠܝܢ ܠܗ ܠܡܠܬܐ ܘܥܩܪܐ ܠܝܬ ܠܗܘܢ ܐܠܐ ܕܙܒܢܐ ܗܝ ܗܝܡܢܘܬܗܘܢ ܘܒܙܒܢ ܢܤܝܘܢܐ ܡܬܟܫܠܝܢ ܀
- 14 ܗܘ ܕܝܢ ܕܢܦܠ ܒܝܬ ܟܘܒܐ ܗܠܝܢ ܐܢܘܢ ܐܝܠܝܢ ܕܫܡܥܝܢ ܡܠܬܐ ܘܒܨܦܬܐ ܘܒܥܘܬܪܐ ܘܒܪܓܝܓܬܗ ܕܥܠܡܐ ܡܬܚܢܩܝܢ ܘܦܐܪܐ ܠܐ ܝܗܒܝܢ ܀
- 15 ܗܘ ܕܝܢ ܕܒܐܪܥܐ ܛܒܬܐ ܗܠܝܢ ܐܢܘܢ ܐܝܠܝܢ ܕܒܠܒܐ ܫܦܝܐ ܘܛܒܐ ܫܡܥܝܢ ܡܠܬܐ ܘܐܚܕܝܢ ܘܝܗܒܝܢ ܦܐܪܐ ܒܡܤܝܒܪܢܘܬܐ ܀
- 16 ܠܐ ܐܢܫ ܡܢܗܪ ܫܪܓܐ ܘܡܚܦܐ ܠܗ ܒܡܐܢܐ ܐܘ ܤܐܡ ܠܗ ܬܚܝܬ ܥܪܤܐ ܐܠܐ ܤܐܡ ܠܗ ܠܥܠ ܡܢ ܡܢܪܬܐ ܕܟܠ ܕܥܐܠ ܢܚܙܐ ܢܘܗܪܗ ܀
- 17 ܠܝܬ ܓܝܪ ܡܕܡ ܕܟܤܐ ܕܠܐ ܢܬܓܠܐ ܘܠܐ ܕܡܛܫܝ ܕܠܐ ܢܬܝܕܥ ܘܢܐܬܐ ܠܓܠܝܐ ܀
- 18 ܚܙܘ ܐܝܟܢܐ ܫܡܥܬܘܢ ܡܢ ܕܐܝܬ ܠܗ ܓܝܪ ܢܬܝܗܒ ܠܗ ܘܡܢ ܕܠܝܬ ܠܗ ܐܦ ܗܘ ܕܤܒܪ ܕܐܝܬ ܠܗ ܢܫܬܩܠ ܡܢܗ ܀
- 19 ܐܬܘ ܕܝܢ ܠܘܬܗ ܐܡܗ ܘܐܚܘܗܝ ܘܠܐ ܡܫܟܚܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܕܢܡܠܠܘܢ ܥܡܗ ܡܛܠ ܟܢܫܐ ܀
- 20 ܘܐܡܪܘ ܠܗ ܐܡܟ ܘܐܚܝܟ ܩܝܡܝܢ ܠܒܪ ܘܨܒܝܢ ܠܡܚܙܝܟ ܀
- 21 ܗܘ ܕܝܢ ܥܢܐ ܘܐܡܪ ܠܗܘܢ ܗܠܝܢ ܐܢܘܢ ܐܡܝ ܘܐܚܝ ܐܝܠܝܢ ܕܫܡܥܝܢ ܡܠܬܐ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܘܥܒܕܝܢ ܠܗ ܀
- 22 ܗܘܐ ܕܝܢ ܒܚܕ ܡܢ ܝܘܡܬܐ ܤܠܩ ܝܫܘܥ ܝܬܒ ܒܤܦܝܢܬܐ ܗܘ ܘܬܠܡܝܕܘܗܝ ܘܐܡܪ ܠܗܘܢ ܢܥܒܪ ܠܗܘ ܥܒܪܐ ܕܝܡܬܐ ܀
- 23 ܘܟܕ ܪܕܝܢ ܕܡܟ ܠܗ ܗܘ ܝܫܘܥ ܘܗܘܬ ܥܠܥܠܐ ܕܪܘܚܐ ܒܝܡܬܐ ܘܩܪܝܒܐ ܗܘܬ ܤܦܝܢܬܐ ܠܡܛܒܥ ܀
- 24 ܘܩܪܒܘ ܐܥܝܪܘܗܝ ܘܐܡܪܝܢ ܠܗ ܪܒܢ ܪܒܢ ܐܒܕܝܢܢ ܗܘ ܕܝܢ ܩܡ ܘܟܐܐ ܒܪܘܚܐ ܘܒܡܚܫܘܠܐ ܕܝܡܐ ܘܢܚܘ ܘܗܘܐ ܫܠܝܐ ܀
- 25 ܘܐܡܪ ܠܗܘܢ ܐܝܟܐ ܗܝ ܗܝܡܢܘܬܟܘܢ ܗܢܘܢ ܕܝܢ ܟܕ ܕܚܝܠܝܢ ܡܬܕܡܪܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܘܐܡܪܝܢ ܚܕ ܠܚܕ ܡܢܘ ܟܝ ܗܢܐ ܕܐܦ ܠܪܘܚܐ ܦܩܕ ܘܠܡܚܫܘܠܐ ܘܠܝܡܐ ܘܡܫܬܡܥܝܢ ܠܗ ܀
- 26 ܘܪܕܘ ܘܐܬܘ ܠܐܬܪܐ ܕܓܕܪܝܐ ܕܐܝܬܘܗܝ ܒܥܒܪܐ ܠܘܩܒܠ ܓܠܝܠܐ ܀
- 27 ܘܟܕ ܢܦܩ ܠܐܪܥܐ ܦܓܥ ܒܗ ܓܒܪܐ ܚܕ ܡܢ ܡܕܝܢܬܐ ܕܐܝܬ ܒܗ ܕܝܘܐ ܡܢ ܙܒܢܐ ܤܓܝܐܐ ܘܡܐܢܐ ܠܐ ܠܒܫ ܗܘܐ ܘܒܒܝܬܐ ܠܐ ܥܡܪ ܗܘܐ ܐܠܐ ܒܒܝܬ ܩܒܘܪܐ ܀
- 28 ܟܕ ܚܙܐ ܕܝܢ ܠܝܫܘܥ ܩܥܐ ܘܢܦܠ ܩܕܡܘܗܝ ܘܒܩܠܐ ܪܡܐ ܐܡܪ ܡܐ ܠܢ ܘܠܟ ܝܫܘܥ ܒܪܗ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܡܪܝܡܐ ܒܥܐ ܐܢܐ ܡܢܟ ܠܐ ܬܫܢܩܢܝ ܀
- 29 ܦܩܕ ܗܘܐ ܠܗ ܓܝܪ ܝܫܘܥ ܠܪܘܚܐ ܛܢܦܐ ܠܡܦܩ ܡܢ ܒܪܢܫܐ ܤܓܝ ܗܘܐ ܓܝܪ ܙܒܢܐ ܡܢ ܕܫܒܐ ܗܘܐ ܠܗ ܘܡܬܐܤܪ ܗܘܐ ܒܫܫܠܬܐ ܘܒܟܒܠܐ ܡܬܢܛܪ ܗܘܐ ܘܡܦܤܩ ܗܘܐ ܐܤܘܪܘܗܝ ܘܡܬܕܒܪ ܗܘܐ ܡܢ ܫܐܕܐ ܠܚܘܪܒܐ ܀
- 30 ܫܐܠܗ ܕܝܢ ܝܫܘܥ ܡܢ ܫܡܟ ܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܠܓܝܘܢ ܡܛܠ ܕܕܝܘܐ ܤܓܝܐܐ ܥܠܝܠܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܒܗ ܀
- 31 ܘܒܥܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܡܢܗ ܕܠܐ ܢܦܩܘܕ ܠܗܘܢ ܠܡܐܙܠ ܠܬܗܘܡܐ ܀
- 32 ܐܝܬ ܗܘܐ ܕܝܢ ܬܡܢ ܒܩܪܐ ܕܚܙܝܪܐ ܤܓܝܐܐ ܕܪܥܝܐ ܒܛܘܪܐ ܘܒܥܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܡܢܗ ܕܢܦܤ ܠܗܘܢ ܕܒܚܙܝܪܐ ܢܥܠܘܢ ܘܐܦܤ ܠܗܘܢ ܀
- 33 ܘܢܦܩܘ ܫܐܕܐ ܡܢ ܓܒܪܐ ܘܥܠܘ ܒܚܙܝܪܐ ܘܬܪܨܬ ܒܩܪܐ ܗܝ ܟܠܗ ܠܫܩܝܦܐ ܘܢܦܠܘ ܒܝܡܬܐ ܘܐܬܚܢܩܘ ܀
- 34 ܟܕ ܚܙܘ ܕܝܢ ܪܥܘܬܐ ܡܕܡ ܕܗܘܐ ܥܪܩܘ ܘܐܫܬܥܝܘ ܒܡܕܝܢܬܐ ܘܒܩܘܪܝܐ ܀
- 35 ܘܢܦܩܘ ܐܢܫܐ ܕܢܚܙܘܢ ܡܕܡ ܕܗܘܐ ܘܐܬܘ ܠܘܬ ܝܫܘܥ ܘܐܫܟܚܘܗܝ ܠܓܒܪܐ ܗܘ ܕܢܦܩܘ ܫܐܕܘܗܝ ܟܕ ܠܒܝܫ ܘܡܢܟܦ ܘܝܬܒ ܠܘܬ ܪܓܠܘܗܝ ܕܝܫܘܥ ܘܕܚܠܘ ܀
- 36 ܘܐܫܬܥܝܘ ܠܗܘܢ ܐܝܠܝܢ ܕܚܙܘ ܐܝܟܢܐ ܐܬܐܤܝ ܓܒܪܐ ܗܘ ܕܝܘܢܐ ܀
- 37 ܘܒܥܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܡܢܗ ܟܠܗ ܟܢܫܐ ܕܓܕܪܝܐ ܕܢܐܙܠ ܠܗ ܡܢ ܠܘܬܗܘܢ ܡܛܠ ܕܕܚܠܬܐ ܪܒܬܐ ܐܚܕܬ ܐܢܘܢ ܗܘ ܕܝܢ ܝܫܘܥ ܤܠܩ ܠܤܦܝܢܬܐ ܘܗܦܟ ܡܢ ܠܘܬܗܘܢ ܀
- 38 ܗܘ ܕܝܢ ܓܒܪܐ ܕܢܦܩܘ ܡܢܗ ܫܐܕܐ ܒܥܐ ܗܘܐ ܡܢܗ ܕܠܘܬܗ ܢܗܘܐ ܘܫܪܝܗܝ ܝܫܘܥ ܘܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܀
- 39 ܗܦܘܟ ܠܒܝܬܟ ܘܐܫܬܥܐ ܡܕܡ ܕܥܒܕ ܠܟ ܐܠܗܐ ܘܐܙܠ ܘܡܟܪܙ ܗܘܐ ܒܟܠܗ ܡܕܝܢܬܐ ܡܕܡ ܕܥܒܕ ܠܗ ܝܫܘܥ ܀
- 40 ܟܕ ܗܦܟ ܕܝܢ ܝܫܘܥ ܩܒܠܗ ܟܢܫܐ ܤܓܝܐܐ ܟܠܗܘܢ ܓܝܪ ܠܗ ܚܝܪܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܀
- 41 ܘܓܒܪܐ ܚܕ ܕܫܡܗ ܝܘܐܪܫ ܪܝܫ ܟܢܘܫܬܐ ܢܦܠ ܩܕܡ ܪܓܠܘܗܝ ܕܝܫܘܥ ܘܒܥܐ ܗܘܐ ܡܢܗ ܕܢܥܘܠ ܠܒܝܬܗ ܀
- 42 ܒܪܬܐ ܓܝܪ ܝܚܝܕܝܬܐ ܐܝܬ ܗܘܬ ܠܗ ܐܝܟ ܒܪܬ ܫܢܝܢ ܬܪܬܥܤܪܐ ܘܩܪܝܒܐ ܗܘܬ ܠܡܡܬ ܘܟܕ ܐܙܠ ܥܡܗ ܗܘ ܝܫܘܥ ܟܢܫܐ ܤܓܝܐܐ ܚܒܨ ܗܘܐ ܠܗ ܀
- 43 ܐܢܬܬܐ ܕܝܢ ܚܕܐ ܕܬܪܝܥ ܗܘܐ ܕܡܗ ܫܢܝܢ ܬܪܬܥܤܪܐ ܗܝ ܕܒܝܬ ܐܤܘܬܐ ܟܠܗ ܩܢܝܢܗ ܐܦܩܬ ܘܠܐ ܐܫܟܚܬ ܕܡܢ ܐܢܫ ܬܬܐܤܐ ܀
- 44 ܐܬܩܪܒܬ ܡܢ ܒܤܬܪܗ ܘܩܪܒܬ ܠܟܢܦܐ ܕܡܐܢܗ ܘܡܚܕܐ ܩܡܬ ܡܪܕܝܬܐ ܕܕܡܗ ܀
- 45 ܘܐܡܪ ܝܫܘܥ ܡܢܘ ܩܪܒ ܠܝ ܘܟܕ ܟܠܗܘܢ ܟܦܪܝܢ ܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܫܡܥܘܢ ܟܐܦܐ ܘܕܥܡܗ ܪܒܢ ܟܢܫܐ ܐܠܨܝܢ ܠܟ ܘܚܒܨܝܢ ܘܐܡܪ ܐܢܬ ܡܢܘ ܩܪܒ ܠܝ ܀
- 46 ܗܘ ܕܝܢ ܐܡܪ ܐܢܫ ܩܪܒ ܠܝ ܐܢܐ ܓܝܪ ܝܕܥܬ ܕܚܝܠܐ ܢܦܩ ܡܢܝ ܀
- 47 ܗܝ ܕܝܢ ܐܢܬܬܐ ܟܕ ܚܙܬ ܕܠܐ ܛܥܬܗ ܐܬܬ ܟܕ ܪܬܝܬܐ ܘܢܦܠܬ ܤܓܕܬ ܠܗ ܘܐܡܪܬ ܠܥܝܢ ܥܡܐ ܟܠܗ ܡܛܠ ܐܝܕܐ ܥܠܬܐ ܩܪܒܬ ܘܐܝܟܢܐ ܡܚܕܐ ܐܬܐܤܝܬ ܀
- 48 ܗܘ ܕܝܢ ܝܫܘܥ ܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܐܬܠܒܒܝ ܒܪܬܝ ܗܝܡܢܘܬܟܝ ܐܚܝܬܟܝ ܙܠܝ ܒܫܠܡܐ ܀
- 49 ܘܥܕ ܗܘ ܡܡܠܠ ܐܬܐ ܐܢܫ ܡܢ ܕܒܝܬ ܪܒ ܟܢܘܫܬܐ ܘܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܡܝܬܬ ܠܗ ܒܪܬܟ ܠܐ ܬܥܡܠ ܠܡܠܦܢܐ ܀
- 50 ܝܫܘܥ ܕܝܢ ܫܡܥ ܘܐܡܪ ܠܐܒܘܗ ܕܛܠܝܬܐ ܠܐ ܬܕܚܠ ܒܠܚܘܕ ܗܝܡܢ ܘܚܝܐ ܀
- 51 ܐܬܐ ܕܝܢ ܝܫܘܥ ܠܒܝܬܐ ܘܠܐ ܫܒܩ ܠܐܢܫ ܕܢܥܘܠ ܥܡܗ ܐܠܐ ܠܫܡܥܘܢ ܘܠܝܥܩܘܒ ܘܠܝܘܚܢܢ ܘܠܐܒܘܗ ܕܛܠܝܬܐ ܘܠܐܡܗ ܀
- 52 ܟܠܗܘܢ ܕܝܢ ܒܟܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܘܡܪܩܕܝܢ ܥܠܝܗ ܝܫܘܥ ܕܝܢ ܐܡܪ ܠܐ ܬܒܟܘܢ ܠܐ ܓܝܪ ܡܝܬܬ ܐܠܐ ܕܡܟܐ ܗܝ ܀
- 53 ܘܓܚܟܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܥܠܘܗܝ ܕܝܕܥܝܢ ܕܡܝܬܬ ܠܗ ܀
- 54 ܗܘ ܕܝܢ ܐܦܩ ܠܟܠܢܫ ܠܒܪ ܘܐܚܕܗ ܒܐܝܕܗ ܘܩܪܗ ܘܐܡܪ ܛܠܝܬܐ ܩܘܡܝ ܀
- 55 ܘܗܦܟܬ ܪܘܚܗ ܘܡܚܕܐ ܩܡܬ ܘܦܩܕ ܕܢܬܠܘܢ ܠܗ ܠܡܐܟܠ ܀
- 56 ܘܬܡܗܘ ܐܒܗܝܗ ܗܘ ܕܝܢ ܙܗܪ ܐܢܘܢ ܕܠܐܢܫ ܠܐ ܢܐܡܪܘܢ ܡܐ ܕܗܘܐ ܀
King James Version (kjv)
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American King James Version (akjv) American Standard Version (asv) Basic English Bible (basicenglish) Douay Rheims (douayrheims) John Wycliffe Bible (c.1395) (wycliffe) King James Version (kjv) King James Version (1769) with Strongs Numbers and Morphology and CatchWords, including Apocrypha (without glosses) (kjva) Webster's Bible (wb) Weymouth NT (weymouth) William Tyndale Bible (1525/1530) (tyndale) World English Bible (web) Young's Literal Translation (ylt)
- English and Klingon.
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Peshitta NT (peshitta - 2)
2020-02-08Syriac (syr)
The Peshitta (Classical Syriac: ܦܫܺܝܛܬܳܐ or ܦܫܝܼܛܬܵܐ pšīṭtā) is the standard version of the Bible for churches in the Syriac tradition. The text is that published by the British and Foreign Bible Society in 1905
Public Domain
Courtesy John Richards.- Encoding: UTF-8
- Direction: RTL
- LCSH: Bible.Syriac
- Distribution Abbreviation: peshitta
Public Domain
Source (OSIS)
http://www.tertullian.org/rpearse/thesyriaclibrary/new_testament.htm or http://madenkha.net/holy_bible/
- history_1.1
- (2002-01-01) tagged as right to left
- history_2.0
- (2020-02-08) New TextSource, fix emptyvss issues
Basic Hash Usage Explained
At getBible, we've established a robust system to keep our API synchronized with the Crosswire project's modules. Let me explain how this integration works in simple terms.
We source our Bible text directly from the Crosswire modules. To monitor any updates, we generate "hash values" for each chapter, book, and translation. These hash values serve as unique identifiers that change only when the underlying content changes, thereby ensuring a tight integration between getBible and the Crosswire modules.
Every month, an automated process runs for approximately three hours. During this window, we fetch the latest Bible text from the Crosswire modules. Subsequently, we compare the new hash values and the text with the previous ones. Any detected changes trigger updates to both our official getBible hash repository and the Bible API for all affected translations. This system has been operating seamlessly for several years.
Once the updates are complete, any application utilizing our Bible API should monitor the hash values at the chapter, book, or translation level. Spotting a change in these values indicates that they should update their respective systems.
Hash values can change due to various reasons, including textual corrections like adding omitted verses, rectifying spelling errors, or addressing any discrepancies flagged by the publishers maintaining the modules at Crosswire.
The Crosswire initiative, also known as the SWORD Project, is the "source of truth" for getBible. Any modifications in the Crosswire modules get reflected in our API within days, ensuring our users access the most precise and current Bible text. We pledge to uphold this standard as long as getBible exists and our build scripts remain operational.
We're united in our mission to preserve the integrity and authenticity of the Bible text. If you have questions or require additional information, please use our support system. We're here to assist and will respond promptly.
Thank you for your understanding and for being an integral part of the getBible community.
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This verse in combination with your session key will be used to authenticate you in the future.
This is currently the active session key.
Should you have another session key from a previous session.
You can add it here to load your previous session.