Luke 9
- 1 ܘܩܪܐ ܝܫܘܥ ܠܬܪܥܤܪܬܗ ܘܝܗܒ ܠܗܘܢ ܚܝܠܐ ܘܫܘܠܛܢܐ ܥܠ ܟܠܗܘܢ ܫܐܕܐ ܘܟܘܪܗܢܐ ܠܡܐܤܝܘ ܀
- 2 ܘܫܕܪ ܐܢܘܢ ܠܡܟܪܙܘ ܡܠܟܘܬܗ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܘܠܡܐܤܝܘ ܟܪܝܗܐ ܀
- 3 ܘܐܡܪ ܠܗܘܢ ܡܕܡ ܠܐ ܬܫܩܠܘܢ ܠܐܘܪܚܐ ܠܐ ܫܒܛܐ ܘܠܐ ܬܪܡܠܐ ܘܠܐ ܠܚܡܐ ܘܠܐ ܟܤܦܐ ܘܠܐ ܬܪܬܝܢ ܟܘܬܝܢܝܢ ܢܗܘܝܢ ܠܟܘܢ ܀
- 4 ܘܠܐܝܢܐ ܒܝܬܐ ܕܥܐܠܝܢ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܠܗ ܬܡܢ ܗܘܘ ܘܡܢ ܬܡܢ ܦܘܩܘ ܀
- 5 ܘܠܡܢ ܕܠܐ ܡܩܒܠܝܢ ܠܟܘܢ ܡܐ ܕܢܦܩܝܢ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܡܢ ܡܕܝܢܬܐ ܗܝ ܐܦ ܚܠܐ ܡܢ ܪܓܠܝܟܘܢ ܦܨܘ ܥܠܝܗܘܢ ܠܤܗܕܘܬܐ ܀
- 6 ܘܢܦܩܘ ܫܠܝܚܐ ܘܡܬܟܪܟܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܒܩܘܪܝܐ ܘܒܡܕܝܢܬܐ ܘܡܤܒܪܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܘܡܐܤܝܢ ܒܟܠ ܕܘܟ ܀
- 7 ܫܡܥ ܕܝܢ ܗܪܘܕܤ ܛܛܪܪܟܐ ܟܠܗܝܢ ܕܗܘܝܢ ܗܘܝ ܒܐܝܕܗ ܘܡܬܕܡܪ ܗܘܐ ܡܛܠ ܕܐܡܪܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܐܢܫܝܢ ܕܝܘܚܢܢ ܩܡ ܡܢ ܒܝܬ ܡܝܬܐ ܀
- 8 ܐܚܪܢܐ ܕܝܢ ܐܡܪܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܕܐܠܝܐ ܐܬܚܙܝ ܘܐܚܪܢܐ ܕܢܒܝܐ ܡܢ ܢܒܝܐ ܩܕܡܝܐ ܩܡ ܀
- 9 ܘܐܡܪ ܗܪܘܕܤ ܪܫܗ ܕܝܘܚܢܢ ܐܢܐ ܦܤܩܬ ܡܢܘ ܕܝܢ ܗܢܐ ܕܗܠܝܢ ܫܡܥ ܐܢܐ ܥܠܘܗܝ ܘܨܒܐ ܗܘܐ ܕܢܚܙܝܘܗܝ ܀
- 10 ܘܟܕ ܗܦܟܘ ܫܠܝܚܐ ܐܫܬܥܝܘ ܠܝܫܘܥ ܟܠܡܕܡ ܕܥܒܕܘ ܘܕܒܪ ܐܢܘܢ ܒܠܚܘܕܝܗܘܢ ܠܐܬܪܐ ܚܘܪܒܐ ܕܒܝܬ ܨܝܕܐ ܀
- 11 ܟܢܫܐ ܕܝܢ ܟܕ ܝܕܥܘ ܐܙܠܘ ܒܬܪܗ ܘܩܒܠ ܐܢܘܢ ܘܡܡܠܠ ܗܘܐ ܥܡܗܘܢ ܥܠ ܡܠܟܘܬܐ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܘܠܐܝܠܝܢ ܕܤܢܝܩܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܥܠ ܐܤܝܘܬܐ ܡܐܤܐ ܗܘܐ ܀
- 12 ܟܕ ܕܝܢ ܫܪܝ ܝܘܡܐ ܠܡܨܠܐ ܩܪܒܘ ܬܠܡܝܕܘܗܝ ܘܐܡܪܝܢ ܠܗ ܫܪܝ ܠܟܢܫܐ ܕܢܐܙܠܘܢ ܠܩܘܪܝܐ ܕܚܕܪܝܢ ܘܠܟܦܪܘܢܐ ܕܢܫܪܘܢ ܒܗܘܢ ܘܢܫܟܚܘܢ ܠܗܘܢ ܤܝܒܪܬܐ ܡܛܠ ܕܒܐܬܪܐ ܚܘܪܒܐ ܐܝܬܝܢ ܀
- 13 ܐܡܪ ܠܗܘܢ ܝܫܘܥ ܗܒܘ ܠܗܘܢ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܠܡܐܟܠ ܗܢܘܢ ܕܝܢ ܐܡܪܝܢ ܠܝܬ ܠܢ ܝܬܝܪ ܡܢ ܚܡܫܐ ܠܚܡܝܢ ܘܬܪܝܢ ܢܘܢܝܢ ܐܠܐ ܐܢ ܐܙܠܢܢ ܘܙܒܢܢ ܤܝܒܪܬܐ ܠܗܢܐ ܟܠܗ ܥܡܐ ܀
- 14 ܗܘܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܓܝܪ ܐܝܟ ܚܡܫܐ ܐܠܦܝܢ ܓܒܪܝܢ ܐܡܪ ܠܗܘܢ ܝܫܘܥ ܐܤܡܟܘ ܐܢܘܢ ܤܡܟܐ ܚܡܫܝܢ ܐܢܫܝܢ ܒܤܡܟܐ ܀
- 15 ܘܥܒܕܘ ܗܟܘܬ ܬܠܡܝܕܐ ܘܐܤܡܟܘ ܠܟܠܗܘܢ ܀
- 16 ܘܢܤܒ ܝܫܘܥ ܗܢܘܢ ܚܡܫܐ ܠܚܡܝܢ ܘܬܪܝܢ ܢܘܢܝܢ ܘܚܪ ܒܫܡܝܐ ܘܒܪܟ ܘܩܨܐ ܘܝܗܒ ܠܬܠܡܝܕܘܗܝ ܕܢܤܝܡܘܢ ܠܟܢܫܐ ܀
- 17 ܘܐܟܠܘ ܟܠܗܘܢ ܘܤܒܥܘ ܘܫܩܠܘ ܩܨܝܐ ܡܕܡ ܕܐܘܬܪܘ ܬܪܥܤܪ ܩܘܦܝܢܝܢ ܀
- 18 ܘܟܕ ܡܨܠܐ ܒܠܚܘܕܘܗܝ ܘܬܠܡܝܕܘܗܝ ܥܡܗ ܫܐܠ ܐܢܘܢ ܘܐܡܪ ܡܢܘ ܐܡܪܝܢ ܥܠܝ ܟܢܫܐ ܕܐܝܬܝ ܀
- 19 ܥܢܘ ܘܐܡܪܝܢ ܠܗ ܕܝܘܚܢܢ ܡܥܡܕܢܐ ܘܐܚܪܢܐ ܕܐܠܝܐ ܐܚܪܢܐ ܕܝܢ ܕܢܒܝܐ ܚܕ ܡܢ ܢܒܝܐ ܩܕܡܝܐ ܩܡ ܀
- 20 ܐܡܪ ܠܗܘܢ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܕܝܢ ܡܢܘ ܐܡܪܝܢ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܕܐܝܬܝ ܥܢܐ ܫܡܥܘܢ ܘܐܡܪ ܡܫܝܚܗ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܀
- 21 ܗܘ ܕܝܢ ܟܐܐ ܒܗܘܢ ܘܙܗܪ ܐܢܘܢ ܕܗܕܐ ܠܐܢܫ ܠܐ ܢܐܡܪܘܢ ܀
- 22 ܘܐܡܪ ܠܗܘܢ ܕܥܬܝܕ ܗܘ ܒܪܗ ܕܐܢܫܐ ܕܤܓܝܐܬܐ ܢܚܫ ܘܕܢܤܬܠܐ ܡܢ ܩܫܝܫܐ ܘܪܒܝ ܟܗܢܐ ܘܤܦܪܐ ܘܢܩܛܠܘܢܝܗܝ ܘܠܝܘܡܐ ܕܬܠܬܐ ܢܩܘܡ ܀
- 23 ܘܐܡܪ ܗܘܐ ܩܕܡ ܟܠܢܫ ܡܢ ܕܨܒܐ ܕܢܐܬܐ ܒܬܪܝ ܢܟܦܘܪ ܒܢܦܫܗ ܘܢܫܩܘܠ ܙܩܝܦܗ ܟܠܝܘܡ ܘܢܐܬܐ ܒܬܪܝ ܀
- 24 ܡܢ ܓܝܪ ܕܨܒܐ ܕܢܦܫܗ ܢܚܐ ܡܘܒܕ ܠܗ ܡܢ ܕܝܢ ܕܢܘܒܕ ܢܦܫܗ ܡܛܠܬܝ ܗܢܐ ܡܚܐ ܠܗ ܀
- 25 ܡܢܐ ܓܝܪ ܢܬܥܕܪ ܒܪ ܐܢܫܐ ܕܢܐܬܪ ܥܠܡܐ ܟܠܗ ܢܦܫܗ ܕܝܢ ܢܘܒܕ ܐܘ ܢܚܤܪ ܀
- 26 ܡܢ ܕܢܒܗܬ ܒܝ ܕܝܢ ܘܒܡܠܝ ܢܒܗܬ ܒܗ ܒܪܗ ܕܐܢܫܐ ܡܐ ܕܐܬܐ ܒܫܘܒܚܐ ܕܐܒܘܗܝ ܥܡ ܡܠܐܟܘܗܝ ܩܕܝܫܐ ܀
- 27 ܫܪܪܐ ܐܡܪ ܐܢܐ ܠܟܘܢ ܕܐܝܬ ܐܢܫܐ ܕܩܝܡܝܢ ܗܪܟܐ ܕܠܐ ܢܛܥܡܘܢ ܡܘܬܐ ܥܕܡܐ ܕܢܚܙܘܢ ܡܠܟܘܬܗ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܀
- 28 ܗܘܐ ܕܝܢ ܒܬܪ ܡܠܐ ܗܠܝܢ ܐܝܟ ܬܡܢܝܐ ܝܘܡܝܢ ܕܒܪ ܝܫܘܥ ܠܫܡܥܘܢ ܘܠܝܥܩܘܒ ܘܠܝܘܚܢܢ ܘܤܠܩ ܠܛܘܪܐ ܠܡܨܠܝܘ ܀
- 29 ܘܟܕ ܗܘ ܡܨܠܐ ܐܬܚܠܦ ܚܙܘܐ ܕܐܦܘܗܝ ܘܢܚܬܘܗܝ ܚܘܪܘ ܘܡܒܪܩܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܀
- 30 ܘܗܐ ܬܪܝܢ ܓܒܪܝܢ ܡܡܠܠܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܥܡܗ ܕܐܝܬܝܗܘܢ ܡܘܫܐ ܘܐܠܝܐ ܀
- 31 ܕܐܬܚܙܝܘ ܒܬܫܒܘܚܬܐ ܐܡܪܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܕܝܢ ܥܠ ܡܦܩܢܗ ܕܥܬܝܕ ܗܘܐ ܕܢܫܬܠܡ ܒܐܘܪܫܠܡ ܀
- 32 ܘܝܩܪܘ ܗܘܘ ܠܗܘܢ ܒܫܢܬܐ ܫܡܥܘܢ ܘܗܢܘܢ ܕܥܡܗ ܘܠܡܚܤܢ ܐܬܬܥܝܪܘ ܘܚܙܘ ܫܘܒܚܗ ܘܠܗܢܘܢ ܬܪܝܢ ܐܢܫܝܢ ܕܩܝܡܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܠܘܬܗ ܀
- 33 ܘܟܕ ܫܪܝܘ ܠܡܦܪܫ ܡܢܗ ܐܡܪ ܫܡܥܘܢ ܠܝܫܘܥ ܪܒܝ ܫܦܝܪ ܗܘ ܠܢ ܕܗܪܟܐ ܢܗܘܐ ܘܢܥܒܕ ܬܠܬ ܡܛܠܝܢ ܠܟ ܚܕܐ ܘܠܡܘܫܐ ܚܕܐ ܘܠܐܠܝܐ ܚܕܐ ܘܠܐ ܝܕܥ ܗܘܐ ܡܢܐ ܐܡܪ ܀
- 34 ܘܟܕ ܐܡܪ ܗܠܝܢ ܗܘܬ ܥܢܢܐ ܘܐܛܠܬ ܥܠܝܗܘܢ ܘܕܚܠܘ ܟܕ ܚܙܘ ܠܡܘܫܐ ܘܠܐܠܝܐ ܕܥܠܘ ܒܥܢܢܐ ܀
- 35 ܘܩܠܐ ܗܘܐ ܡܢ ܥܢܢܐ ܕܐܡܪ ܗܢܘ ܒܪܝ ܚܒܝܒܐ ܠܗ ܫܡܥܘ ܀
- 36 ܘܟܕ ܗܘܐ ܩܠܐ ܐܫܬܟܚ ܝܫܘܥ ܒܠܚܘܕܘܗܝ ܘܗܢܘܢ ܫܬܩܘ ܘܠܐܢܫ ܠܐ ܐܡܪܘ ܒܗܢܘܢ ܝܘܡܬܐ ܡܕܡ ܕܚܙܘ ܀
- 37 ܘܗܘܐ ܠܝܘܡܐ ܕܒܬܪܗ ܟܕ ܢܚܬܝܢ ܡܢ ܛܘܪܐ ܦܓܥ ܒܗܘܢ ܟܢܫܐ ܤܓܝܐܐ ܀
- 38 ܘܓܒܪܐ ܚܕ ܡܢ ܟܢܫܐ ܗܘ ܩܥܐ ܘܐܡܪ ܡܠܦܢܐ ܒܥܐ ܐܢܐ ܡܢܟ ܐܬܦܢܝ ܥܠܝ ܒܪܝ ܕܝܚܝܕܝܐ ܗܘ ܠܝ ܀
- 39 ܘܪܘܚܐ ܥܕܝܐ ܥܠܘܗܝ ܘܡܢ ܫܠܝܐ ܩܥܐ ܘܡܚܪܩ ܫܢܘܗܝ ܘܡܪܥܬ ܘܠܡܚܤܢ ܦܪܩܐ ܡܢܗ ܡܐ ܕܫܚܩܬܗ ܀
- 40 ܘܒܥܝܬ ܡܢ ܬܠܡܝܕܝܟ ܕܢܦܩܘܢܝܗܝ ܘܠܐ ܐܫܟܚܘ ܀
- 41 ܥܢܐ ܕܝܢ ܝܫܘܥ ܘܐܡܪ ܐܘܢ ܫܪܒܬܐ ܕܠܐ ܡܗܝܡܢܐ ܘܡܥܩܠܬܐ ܥܕܡܐ ܠܐܡܬܝ ܐܗܘܐ ܠܘܬܟܘܢ ܘܐܤܝܒܪܟܘܢ ܩܪܒܝܗܝ ܠܟܐ ܠܒܪܟ ܀
- 42 ܘܟܕ ܡܩܪܒ ܠܗ ܐܪܡܝܗ ܕܝܘܐ ܗܘ ܘܡܥܤܗ ܘܟܐܐ ܝܫܘܥ ܒܪܘܚܐ ܗܝ ܛܢܦܬܐ ܘܐܤܝܗ ܠܛܠܝܐ ܘܝܗܒܗ ܠܐܒܘܗܝ ܀
- 43 ܘܐܬܕܡܪܘ ܟܠܗܘܢ ܒܪܒܘܬܗ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܘܟܕ ܟܠܢܫ ܡܬܕܡܪ ܗܘܐ ܥܠ ܟܠ ܕܥܒܕ ܝܫܘܥ ܐܡܪ ܠܬܠܡܝܕܘܗܝ ܀
- 44 ܤܝܡܘ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܡܠܐ ܗܠܝܢ ܒܐܕܢܝܟܘܢ ܒܪܗ ܓܝܪ ܕܐܢܫܐ ܥܬܝܕ ܕܢܫܬܠܡ ܒܐܝܕܝ ܒܢܝ ܐܢܫܐ ܀
- 45 ܗܢܘܢ ܕܝܢ ܠܐ ܐܫܬܘܕܥܘܗ ܠܡܠܬܐ ܗܕܐ ܡܛܠ ܕܡܟܤܝܐ ܗܘܬ ܡܢܗܘܢ ܕܠܐ ܢܕܥܘܢܗ ܘܕܚܠܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܕܢܫܐܠܘܢܝܗܝ ܥܠܝܗ ܥܠ ܡܠܬܐ ܗܕܐ ܀
- 46 ܘܥܠܬ ܒܗܘܢ ܡܚܫܒܬܐ ܕܡܢܘ ܟܝ ܪܒ ܒܗܘܢ ܀
- 47 ܝܫܘܥ ܕܝܢ ܝܕܥ ܡܚܫܒܬܐ ܕܠܒܗܘܢ ܘܢܤܒ ܛܠܝܐ ܘܐܩܝܡܗ ܠܘܬܗ ܀
- 48 ܘܐܡܪ ܠܗܘܢ ܡܢ ܕܡܩܒܠ ܛܠܝܐ ܐܝܟ ܗܢܐ ܒܫܡܝ ܠܝ ܗܘ ܡܩܒܠ ܘܡܢ ܕܠܝ ܡܩܒܠ ܡܩܒܠ ܠܡܢ ܕܫܕܪܢܝ ܐܝܢܐ ܓܝܪ ܕܙܥܘܪ ܒܟܠܟܘܢ ܗܢܐ ܢܗܘܐ ܪܒ ܀
- 49 ܘܥܢܐ ܝܘܚܢܢ ܘܐܡܪ ܪܒܢ ܚܙܝܢ ܐܢܫ ܕܡܦܩ ܕܝܘܐ ܒܫܡܟ ܘܟܠܝܢܝܗܝ ܥܠ ܕܠܐ ܐܬܐ ܥܡܢ ܒܬܪܟ ܀
- 50 ܐܡܪ ܠܗܘܢ ܝܫܘܥ ܠܐ ܬܟܠܘܢ ܡܢ ܓܝܪ ܕܠܐ ܗܘܐ ܠܘܩܒܠܟܘܢ ܚܠܦܝܟܘܢ ܗܘ ܀
- 51 ܘܗܘܐ ܕܟܕ ܡܬܡܠܝܢ ܝܘܡܬܐ ܕܤܘܠܩܗ ܐܬܩܢ ܦܪܨܘܦܗ ܕܢܐܙܠ ܠܐܘܪܫܠܡ ܀
- 52 ܘܫܕܪ ܡܠܐܟܐ ܩܕܡ ܦܪܨܘܦܗ ܘܐܙܠܘ ܥܠܘ ܠܩܪܝܬܐ ܕܫܡܪܝܐ ܐܝܟ ܕܢܬܩܢܘܢ ܠܗ ܀
- 53 ܘܠܐ ܩܒܠܘܗܝ ܡܛܠ ܕܦܪܨܘܦܗ ܠܐܘܪܫܠܡ ܤܝܡ ܗܘܐ ܠܡܐܙܠ ܀
- 54 ܘܟܕ ܚܙܘ ܝܥܩܘܒ ܘܝܘܚܢܢ ܬܠܡܝܕܘܗܝ ܐܡܪܝܢ ܠܗ ܡܪܢ ܨܒܐ ܐܢܬ ܕܢܐܡܪ ܘܬܚܘܬ ܢܘܪܐ ܡܢ ܫܡܝܐ ܘܬܤܝܦ ܐܢܘܢ ܐܝܟ ܕܐܦ ܐܠܝܐ ܥܒܕ ܀
- 55 ܘܐܬܦܢܝ ܘܟܐܐ ܒܗܘܢ ܘܐܡܪ ܠܐ ܝܕܥܝܢ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܕܐܝܕܐ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܪܘܚܐ ܀
- 56 ܒܪܗ ܓܝܪ ܕܐܢܫܐ ܠܐ ܐܬܐ ܠܡܘܒܕܘ ܢܦܫܬܐ ܐܠܐ ܠܡܚܝܘ ܘܐܙܠܘ ܠܗܘܢ ܠܩܪܝܬܐ ܐܚܪܬܐ ܀
- 57 ܘܟܕ ܐܙܠܝܢ ܒܐܘܪܚܐ ܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܐܢܫ ܐܬܐ ܒܬܪܟ ܠܐܬܪ ܕܐܙܠ ܐܢܬ ܡܪܝ ܀
- 58 ܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܝܫܘܥ ܠܬܥܠܐ ܢܩܥܐ ܐܝܬ ܠܗܘܢ ܘܠܦܪܚܬܐ ܕܫܡܝܐ ܡܛܠܠܐ ܠܒܪܗ ܕܝܢ ܕܐܢܫܐ ܠܝܬ ܠܗ ܐܝܟܐ ܕܢܤܡܘܟ ܪܫܗ ܀
- 59 ܘܐܡܪ ܠܐܚܪܢܐ ܬܐ ܒܬܪܝ ܗܘ ܕܝܢ ܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܡܪܝ ܐܦܤ ܠܝ ܠܘܩܕܡ ܐܙܠ ܐܩܒܘܪ ܐܒܝ ܀
- 60 ܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܝܫܘܥ ܫܒܘܩ ܡܝܬܐ ܩܒܪܝܢ ܡܝܬܝܗܘܢ ܘܐܢܬ ܙܠ ܤܒܪ ܡܠܟܘܬܗ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܀
- 61 ܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܐܚܪܢܐ ܐܬܐ ܒܬܪܟ ܡܪܝ ܠܘܩܕܡ ܕܝܢ ܐܦܤ ܠܝ ܐܙܠ ܐܫܠܡ ܠܒܢܝ ܒܝܬܝ ܘܐܬܐ ܀
- 62 ܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܝܫܘܥ ܠܐ ܐܢܫ ܪܡܐ ܐܝܕܗ ܥܠ ܚܪܒܐ ܕܦܕܢܐ ܘܚܐܪ ܠܒܤܬܪܗ ܘܚܫܚ ܠܡܠܟܘܬܗ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܀
King James Version (kjv)
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American King James Version (akjv) American Standard Version (asv) Basic English Bible (basicenglish) Douay Rheims (douayrheims) John Wycliffe Bible (c.1395) (wycliffe) King James Version (kjv) King James Version (1769) with Strongs Numbers and Morphology and CatchWords, including Apocrypha (without glosses) (kjva) Webster's Bible (wb) Weymouth NT (weymouth) William Tyndale Bible (1525/1530) (tyndale) World English Bible (web) Young's Literal Translation (ylt)
- English and Klingon.
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Peshitta NT (peshitta - 2)
2020-02-08Syriac (syr)
The Peshitta (Classical Syriac: ܦܫܺܝܛܬܳܐ or ܦܫܝܼܛܬܵܐ pšīṭtā) is the standard version of the Bible for churches in the Syriac tradition. The text is that published by the British and Foreign Bible Society in 1905
Public Domain
Courtesy John Richards.- Encoding: UTF-8
- Direction: RTL
- LCSH: Bible.Syriac
- Distribution Abbreviation: peshitta
Public Domain
Source (OSIS)
http://www.tertullian.org/rpearse/thesyriaclibrary/new_testament.htm or http://madenkha.net/holy_bible/
- history_1.1
- (2002-01-01) tagged as right to left
- history_2.0
- (2020-02-08) New TextSource, fix emptyvss issues
Basic Hash Usage Explained
At getBible, we've established a robust system to keep our API synchronized with the Crosswire project's modules. Let me explain how this integration works in simple terms.
We source our Bible text directly from the Crosswire modules. To monitor any updates, we generate "hash values" for each chapter, book, and translation. These hash values serve as unique identifiers that change only when the underlying content changes, thereby ensuring a tight integration between getBible and the Crosswire modules.
Every month, an automated process runs for approximately three hours. During this window, we fetch the latest Bible text from the Crosswire modules. Subsequently, we compare the new hash values and the text with the previous ones. Any detected changes trigger updates to both our official getBible hash repository and the Bible API for all affected translations. This system has been operating seamlessly for several years.
Once the updates are complete, any application utilizing our Bible API should monitor the hash values at the chapter, book, or translation level. Spotting a change in these values indicates that they should update their respective systems.
Hash values can change due to various reasons, including textual corrections like adding omitted verses, rectifying spelling errors, or addressing any discrepancies flagged by the publishers maintaining the modules at Crosswire.
The Crosswire initiative, also known as the SWORD Project, is the "source of truth" for getBible. Any modifications in the Crosswire modules get reflected in our API within days, ensuring our users access the most precise and current Bible text. We pledge to uphold this standard as long as getBible exists and our build scripts remain operational.
We're united in our mission to preserve the integrity and authenticity of the Bible text. If you have questions or require additional information, please use our support system. We're here to assist and will respond promptly.
Thank you for your understanding and for being an integral part of the getBible community.
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This verse in combination with your session key will be used to authenticate you in the future.
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Should you have another session key from a previous session.
You can add it here to load your previous session.